Sunday, July 11, 2010

XDC Englishton Media Credential Approved!!

Now to get a VRII!! =)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Created a photography page on Facebook.

I want to see 1,000 fans by the end of the year.

Eric's Photography on Facebook. BE A FRIEND!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Welcome back. Let me start off by forewarning you that this will be a long post.

So, this past week I have a had a lot on my mind. Stressed but not so much in a very bad way. Lately, all I have been doing is focusing on my automotive photography, that I sometimes forget what makes me who I am and what makes me happy. I have been in the zone way to much. I mean, I love going out to meet people and looking to shoot their cars, editing pictures and the whole 9 yards, but throughout my 21 years of living, I have always enjoyed multiple things to do.

At dinner on Tuesday night, my Mother was talking to me about shooting other things than cars. She really enjoys my other photography, like landscapes, flowers and other random things that I have shot in the past. At first, I said no way! I love shooting cars and it's my main goal. But the thought of taking a break from cars never left my mind....

Well, as this stressed built up during the week, I decided that I need some alone time to clear my head. And last week, the weather here was AMAZING! Not to hot during the day and the nights were nice with a little chill, just the way I like it. Thursday I had to work 2-7pm and I was trying to figure what to do that night, go to the bar for $1 beers, go shoot the shit (fishing) with my friends, or sit home and edit pictures like I have been doing for the past 3 weeks. But no, I decided that this was the night to have all to myself. I wanted to take advantage of the weather and listen to what my Mother said to me earlier in the week. What better way to do that than walk on a beach and takes pictures of the beautiful sunset? And that's what I did.

After work, I drove home as fast as possible, changed my smelly clothes, hopped back in my car, and drive down the shoreline. A few weeks prior to this, my buddy Soosh and I went fishing at Keansburg pier. It was our first time there and I was in love. The pier was just about a mile long and was prepped with just about everything you need for fishing. The sunset was amazing and it was easy for me to pick my beach to take pictures of.

I arrived there at a reasonable time, about two hours before the sun disappeared. Paid my $1.25 parking ticket, put my phone on silent and threw into my camera gear bag and I was off. It was kind of sketchy walking up the wooden planks. Keansburg isn't the nicest looking town, actually its a shit whole, but with my photographic eye, I knew I was going to snap some great photos. The sight there was beautiful! I was snapping shots left and right. There was no one one on the beach and I couldn't see anyone fishing off the pier to the right of me and I loved it! I had the beach all to myself.

So after about 30 photographs taken and a some lenses changed, I felt it was time to clear my head more. In all honestly, I was mostly thinking about writing this post and letting everyone know how I feel as I walked back and forth along the beach. I found a log near by, so I put my camera away and just sat and watched the sunset.

I realized a lot of things that night. Everyone has a place to go to, where everything in their mind gets thrown out the window. Maybe some people haven't found their location yet, but it's there and once you find it, you will know for sure. I have realized that my location to forget about everything is near the ocean. The small waves crashing below your feet as your toes are sinking through wet sand does it for me. Everything from that week left my head and I have never felt so refreshened inside before. It was like a new Eric, or Erock as some would say. I absolutely loved it! This made me take my thinking a little further and think about my relationship with the ocean. Last year and a lot of this year, my cousin Danny, Soosh and myself went out fishing all the time and we still do. We have yet to catch a fish this year out of the maybe 20 times we went out this year. That didn't matter to me though, or anyone else. We had fun and that's what fishing is all about. Yeah, maybe they had fun to, but deep down, I couldn't have asked for anything more. Want to know why? Because I was near the ocean. The sound of the waves hitting the piers or just looking at the reflections of the lights on the calm surface of the water really made me fall in love with the ocean. I was with my hommies, attempting to fish, eating a Wawa sub, dicking around and watching the ripples in the water really made fishing such an enjoyable time for me. I could do it everyday, honestly.

I can go on and on with this post and I will later on this evening or maybe tomorrow. I wrote all this and I didn't even include my Forth of July weekend, LOL! Well, today is the 4th and this concludes my writings for now.

Here is one of my edits from the night. I promise to have more up soon.

Have a safe and enjoyable 4th of July.
Happy Birthday America.

This post was dedicated to my Mother for encouraging me to shoot other things, thanks Mom!