Monday, June 28, 2010

Aftermath of this past weekend.

First comes first, IT WAS WAY TO HOT OUT!!!!!!

Both Saturday and Sunday were very very hot days out, unbearable. Saturday after work, I took a shower and headed over to Raceway Park to check out Wrecked Moves. B/C groups had about 16 drivers total come out and drive for the day. Not that many showed up, but the drivers that did, had hella lot of time on the track and just what they need to improve themselves and move up. I've been following and watching these guys for over a year now and you can really see some huge improvements on their skills and upgrading the cars real nice! Having to go to Wawa multiple times for Gatorade and water, it still didn't not help me from almost fainting out there in the sun; it was not very pleasurable. It was good to see many of the XDC drivers attend and practice for their upcoming XDC event at Raceway in August. I saw a bunch of sick cars that I have never seen before, including a LS swapped 350Z. He was tearing up the track at very high speeds and the car sounded amazing! I took a few photos of some of the drivers that I know and also kept a close eye on Steve Angerman of Gardella Racing. ;)

Sunday, I headed back to Raceway again for Summer Slam. Summer Slam is a huge car show with music played on stage, drag racing and bikini contests. My intentions on going there were for meeting new people, look for nice cars to shoot, and just relax with some friends. I achieved all that, minus the relaxing part. It was just as hot as Saturday and walking around in circles did not seem very fun at all. I did what I had to do and left early. I don't care that I spent the $20 to get in and leave early, I just had to get out of there ASAP!

So, I should have a few photos done from this weekend posted up sometime during this week. I'm not going to rush it because they are nothing special. However, this week I have a lot of work ahead of me with spot locating and shooting a car or two, so stay tuned for that.

Aside from these events this weekend, I got around to picking up an Apple Magic Mouse that I wanted. I wanted one for editing because there would be no way I can edit photos on this laptop pad. I haven't tried it out yet but here is a link to the mouse that I purchased. I have read a lot of reviews about it and I can see it being VERY useful for me.

Well, that's it for me tonight. I have spent many hours at my day job, shooting events and practice on almost fainting multiple times this past weekend. With that said- f**k you New Jersey weather.


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